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What Great Employees Do Differently

What Great Employees Do Differently

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A good leader can identify the qualities that combine to make a genuinely exceptional worker. Although technical competence and experience are crucial, they are not sufficient in and of themselves to ensure achievement. Instead, leadership on an individual level determines whether or not the ladder is propped against the correct wall. Managers can inspire workers to greatness by strategically allocating resources and delegating tasks. Still, only leaders can encourage them to strive for the loftiest goals, which will positively impact their development and company. As experts in human resources, we recently conducted a study that uncovered the characteristics of exceptional workers and the criteria that company leaders should use to select team members who consistently exceed expectations.

Understand the company mission and the role they play in achieving it

Identifying an organization's foundational values is essential to grasp its core mission. Imagine these principles as the tree's foundation, the soil where it can grow and thrive. Every employee is like a branch on a tree; they all have to work together to achieve the same goal, but they all do something different and vital. We are all responsible for one another's success. It's essential to recognize how our efforts complement those of our coworkers to form a unified front that can accomplish the mission as planned. By encouraging teamwork and shared responsibility, we can transform from passive observers to active participants in the organization's growth and transformation. It is crucial to have a common purpose and working together to achieve it. This is the only way to reach heights beyond our wildest dreams, both as an organization and as individuals.

Have a positive attitude and display enthusiasm for their work

Seeing what can be accomplished with a good mood and genuine interest in one's work. These outstanding features create a stimulating atmosphere where innovation and excellence can flourish. Positivity is contagious, and people who exude it are like little lights in the office, encouraging their colleagues to step up. As the famous author Stephen Covey put it, "In contrast to choosing "my way" or "your way," synergy is always the best option. This is the way we do things." This concept beautifully illustrates the extraordinary results that can be achieved through taking on challenges with genuine zeal and working productively with one's peers. Leaders and team members can foster an environment conducive to growth and change by keeping a positive outlook and relentlessly pursuing their goals.

Take the initiative and seek out new challenges without being prompted

Adopt a can-do attitude that isn't waiting to be told to go after what it wants. As a species, we are hardwired to be curious about the world around us, test our abilities' limits, and create new habits where none previously existed. The best way to develop this moral character trait is to take a proactive approach to life, learning from your mistakes and using them to propel you forward. If you approach life with an open mind and a burning desire to learn, the world will open up to you as a treasure trove of growth opportunities. In addition to improving your life, you'll be able to help others and set an example for others to follow on their paths to happiness.

Remain open to constructive criticism and use it to improve their performance

Highly effective people primarily stand out from the crowd because of their ability to take feedback and improve. They have an innate appreciation for modesty and openness, which drives them to continuously pursue development in all areas of life. By being receptive to criticism, they gain access to a wealth of growth opportunities and can break free of the constraints that had previously held them back. To fully benefit from this idea, we must first let down our guard and allow ourselves to be exposed. Then, and only then, will we fully appreciate the unique insights of others, whose feedback will allow us to critically evaluate our work and take concrete steps toward improvement. In addition, this outlook drives us into a never-ending loop of learning and refining, ultimately boosting our climb to the summit of success.

Develop working relationships with colleagues that are based on trust and mutual respect

Effective collaboration and productivity in any organization depend on cultivating relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Trustworthiness, or the persistent display of character and competence, is the bedrock upon which such relationships are constructed, as Stephen Covey has stressed on numerous occasions. The door to mutual respect and a strong rapport is opened when we listen attentively to our coworkers, take the time to comprehend their points of view, and display genuine empathy. When we own up to our mistakes, speak up, and work to improve ourselves, we inspire trust in our abilities and motives. When mutual trust and regard are the bedrock of our business dealings, we create an atmosphere where ideas can flourish, people feel safe voicing their opinions, and the team benefits.

Make time to give back to the community, either through volunteering or fundraising efforts

Modern life is hectic, and it's easy to get swept up in the daily grind and the pursuit of one's goals to the detriment of time for reflection and genuine interpersonal connection. In times like these, we need to stop, take a deep breath, and remember that being human means feeling compassion for others and helping them when needed. Volunteering from the heart or working tirelessly to raise money for a good cause is an investment in the lives of others and in one's own development. Giving to others broadens our horizons, increases our capacity for empathy, and gives our lives greater significance. Taking time out of our hectic schedules to help others in meaningful ways paves the way for a more peaceful and connected society where everyone can thrive. These selfless deeds are admirable and have the power to change the lives of the giver and recipient because true success is founded on a service mentality.

Doing so takes time and effort to build a successful career. It would help if you began by learning the company's goals and how you fit into those goals. Next, you can start developing as a person by developing the optimistic outlook needed to do your best in every job, being proactive without being told to, being open to criticism, establishing trustworthy relationships with coworkers, and giving back to your community. When adopting a holistic perspective, seeking continuous improvement in all areas of one's professional life is the surest path to long-term success. Again, reaching these heights takes time and effort, but we can make meaningful progress if we stay committed, motivated, and optimistic.

Image courtesy Philip Oroni @philipsfuture