
Client Confidentiality Note: We maintain our client's confidentiality. Names are altered, but the results and experiences are factual.


The Woods Kovalova Group was approached by a prominent worldwide mining firm, "EarthExtract Co.," who wanted to promote equity and eliminate gender disparities in their company. After seeing how male-dominated the sector had been in the past, EarthExtract Co. set out to change that.


EarthExtract Co. faced two main challenges:

  1. Gender Imbalance: There were many men working for the corporation, particularly in leadership and technical expertise positions.

  2. Cultural Barriers: The existing corporate culture and practices did not support attracting, keeping, and advancing female talent.

Our Approach:

We created a unique curriculum for EarthExtract Co. using our hybrid methodology, which combines consultancy and training components.

  1. Gender Equity Consulting:

    • Reviewed the company's culture and staff makeup in detail.

    • Spotted obstacles to gender equality in hiring, advancement opportunities, and company policy.

    • Developed a comprehensive strategy to promote gender equality and inclusion in the workplace.

  2. Training for Inclusive Leadership:

    • Developed and led educational programs on inclusive leadership, gender equality, and the dangers of unconscious bias.

    • Facilitated mentorship and sponsorship programs to encourage female employees in their professional growth.

    • Took the lead in educating and involving staff in the company's efforts to achieve gender parity.


  1. Improved Gender Balance:

    • The growth of women in leadership and technical positions, as well as other positions, has been noticed and is being promoted.

    • Raised the level of gender diversity across the company.

  2. Cultural Shift:

    • A noticeable change in the organization's culture towards a more inclusive and gender-sensitive environment.

    • A more concerted effort to promote gender equality on the part of all staff members.

  3. Organizational Impact:

    • The programs resulted in a more cooperative work environment and higher employee morale.

    • A more varied staff led to improved decision-making and new ideas at EarthExtract Co.


The partnership with EarthExtract Co. exemplifies how the Woods Kovalova Group's hybrid strategy tackles gender equity in an industry that men have historically dominated. Combining strategic consultation with hands-on training helped EarthExtract Co. achieve and maintain gender equity, which set a new benchmark for the global mining sector.