Gender equity

Achieving Gender Equality in the Banking Sector

Historically, men have dominated financial services, leading to a long-standing problem of sex discrimination in the banking industry. Despite the industry's long history, however, women are beginning to receive the same treatment as men. Furthermore, recent trends point toward the possibility of achieving gender parity in banking at all levels, including senior management. Therefore, it is more crucial than ever for CEOs, HR departments, and Boards of Directors to collaborate on policies and initiatives to bring about true gender equality in the workplace. This article discusses the challenges women face in the banking industry today and suggests solutions that can be implemented immediately to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace where people of all backgrounds and orientations are treated with respect.

Women make strides in the workplace, But women of color lag behind

How do racism and sexism affect professional women of color? Both characteristics appear to harm women in a range of sectors by stifling leadership chances, perpetuating specific forms of sexual harassment, and instilling subtle but widespread questions about competence, intelligence, and skill unrelated to actual performance.